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Welcome to Malas Plus Rewards and Experience a World of Savings

Dear [Recipient], [membership number]


Thank you for joining the Malas Plus Rewards programme. We're delighted to have you as a client, and happy that we can offer you an easy way to reward yourself.

Just a friendly reminder:

You have [points] points which will expire on [dd/mm/yyyy]. You can spend the points as payment towards products and services, or buy something special from our Rewards Shop.


Visit www.malas.co.za or call 0861 262 527 for more info.

How It Works

Earn points when you purchase products and services. Enjoy a whole range of benefits such as Rewards Points, Savings and Free Services.

Every time you purchase, you earn more points and will eventually move up to our Premium status, where you can enjoy an upgrade in points and benefits. The more points you earn, the greater the benefits.

Joining Malas Plus Rewards means,

each time you purchase products or services, you earn points.



for just being you

Malas Plus Rewards


The Malas Plus Rewards Programme is subject to Ts & Cs

and Rewards Programme Rules

To view our Privacy Policy, please click here.

Best Regards

Malas Team

0861 062 527
T's & C's
Copyright 2022 Malas, All rights Reserved

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